Entrusted with the Gospel

Roger's reflections on grace, God and other grand topics

Ten happiest jobs

Hey, hey, guess what profession is on the top of the list for ten happiest jobs?  Apparently, I’m sitting in the catbird seat, so to speak.

The interesting thing about this list is that there seems to be a correlation between professions that sacrifice and serve others…and happiness. Even a financial planner fits into this scheme, sort of.

I guess we shouldn’t be surprised, as Jesus said something about this. (It is more blessed to give than receive.)  And that’s worth thinking about during “the most wonderful time of the year.”

Personally, I have noticed in the past that I am most mentally healthy when I am living for others.  But the times in my life where I have not been serving and sacrificing, these are the times that I fall into depression and well, let’s just say, unpleasant thinking.

So apparently, beyond volunteering, if you can choose a profession that leads you to live for others on a daily basis, you get more smiles for the miles.

I’m going to get my kids to read this.

4 responses to “Ten happiest jobs”

  1. I am not surpised that jobs that are most directly involved with helping others leads to the greatest happiness. It is interesting though, that there seems to be such a high burn-out rate in some of these jobs. Pastors are an example of this.


  2. Jeremy,
    Good thought. Two sides to every story, I suppose. Giving is key to joy, but giving to the neglect of one’s health, rest and sanity leads, as you say to burn-out. I think of Isaiah 30:15 – “In repentance and rest is your salvation; in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.” (NIV)


  3. I was just thinking of the high drop-out rate of those in ministry, too, after Rob from EFCA talked. I guess it’s about balance and getting self-support as much as giving support to others as well as taking care of and being taken care of your family. YOU seem to get that by taking time out for your wife and kids–a strong support system so you can support others.


  4. Thanks Jean. Your comment combined with Jeremy’s balances things out. There is a danger with giving oneself out, however, I think we would agree that the greater danger is burying one’s talents or living for self. This is a sure recipe for pain and sadness, if not burn-out.


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